Frequently Asked Questions


Where is the school located inside of Macy's?

De Gustibus is located on the 8th floor of Macy's Herald Square. For easy access, we suggest entering the 7th Avenue side (the 151 West 34th street entrance) of the building and use the main elevators (across from men’s watches) to get to the 8th Floor. The school is located just to the right as you exit.

How long is each class?

Chef demonstration classes and wine tastings inside the De Gustibus classroom generally start at 6pm and last around 2 hours.  Cooking classes “on location” (inside restaurant kitchens) usually take place from 9:30am to 1:30pm.  The class page will inform you of the start time.

How does the waiting list work?

When we sell out of physical seats for a class, we link to our “Join the wait list” page. Here, you will be able to enter your name, email address, phone number, class you want to attend, and how many seats you need. If you want to sign up for more than one sold-out class, you will need to submit one wait-list form per class. There is no guarantee that space will open up. When space does open up, we contact potential guests (by phone) in the order in which we received the wait-list request. If we cannot reach you at the time of the call, we will leave a message and move to the next person on the list. 

How does seating work? Can I block off a series of seats so my group can sit together?

Seating is based on party size and in order of purchase. You (and your party) will be assigned seats and we ask that if there are multiple reservations under different names, contact us in advance at and let us know the names of your guests.

Can I make a substitution because of dietary restrictions?

De Gustibus Cooking School is not a restaurant; it’s a demonstration space hosting curated, one night only events with a pre selected menu chosen by the chef.  This  means that substitutions of menu items are often difficult to arrange. If you have dietary restrictions, we will  send a request to the chef to see if they can prepare alternate versions of dishes, but ultimately it will be their decision as the chefs determine the menu they would like to showcase. Contact us in advance at 

Will I be able to ask the chef questions?

You may ask as many questions as you’d like by raising your hand during class. We will do our best to get to every question answered as this is a live demonstration


How do the classes work?

At the scheduled class time, you should click on the video link we send via email to enter the virtual classroom. Owner/CEO Salvatore Rizzo and other students will also be attending via this link. Our guest chef will guide you step-by-step through the recipes, just like classes in the De Gustibus school at Macy’s, answering questions along the way via chat — moderated by Sal with his signature charismatic style.

How long is each class?

We estimate each class will last 120 minutes in total.

Will I get to speak to the chef?

You may ask as many questions as you’d like via the chat function within the video interface. If your question is selected, the moderator will ask the chef the question on his own. We will do our best to get to every question answered but cannot necessarily address all inquiries.

How do I access the class?

You need an internet connection and a computer or phone. To access the class, you need to click on the video meeting link in the email sent prior to the class. This email also contains your meeting ID and password. By clicking on the link, you will automatically be prompted to open the application and join the class. Everyone is encouraged to join the class a few minutes early to ensure that they have a good connection. Note that upon joining you may be directed to the waiting room until the cooking begins and chat opens.

Do I need to register with the video platform or download any software?

No, you do not need to register or download anything. However we have created a virtual page on our site. Classes will be hosted on the Vimeo streaming platform. On the day of your class, you will need to enter your email address to gain access.


What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards. On your card statement, the fee will be listed as DE GUSTIBUS NEW YORK

What is the De Gustibus refund policy?

Unfortunately, there are no refunds for classes (in-person and virtual) or gift certificates. No changes are allowed if the class is missed, however, we welcome you to send someone in your place.

This is a strict policy, with absolutely NO exceptions due to weather, illness, traffic, etc. Consider our cooking classes like cooking “events” , a concert or a Broadway show. If you failed to show up to an either one of those, you cannot get a credit back from the venue, no matter the reason. Please think of our classes the same way.  We appreciate your understanding. 

 De Gustibus Cooking School reserves the right to cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment or if our guest chef needs to postpone due to an unforeseen occurrence with a minimum of 48 hours prior notice. We will issue you a class credit via a Shopify gift card (our website platform) to be used towards a future event.

You can always reach us for any questions at

Is De Gustibus on social media?

Yes! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to get the inside scoop about your favorite events, chefs and culinary personalities.
Facebook: De.Gustibus.NYC/
Instagram: @degustibusNYC/
Twitter: @Degustibusnyc/

What is the best way to receive information about upcoming cooking classes and future events?

Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Newsletter subscribers hear about classes 24 hours before everyone else. Click here to sign up.

What if I don’t receive an email confirmation following my purchase?

Please allow up to 48 hours to receive your email confirmation. Please be sure to check your Spam or Junk folder.

Contact us at the email address or phone number below if you have not received the recipe, instructions and video link 24 hours before your scheduled class begins.


Phone: (212) 239-1652

What are your safety protocols?

Doors open 15 minutes prior to class time; you will be greeted by one of our team members who will lead you to your assigned table. Assigned tables are based on party size. And tables and chairs are sanitized prior to arrival; bathrooms will be sanitized prior to  the event.